It is with this demand that Johannesburg, as the country’s leading producer of moving images will benefit from the establishment of the CFAD Jo’burg Campus in 2010. Heading the Johannesburg campus is award winning producer and former Subject Adviser for Art, Shan Moodley. In the early eighties Moodley quit education to concentrate on television production. He joined the SABC in 1980 and produced such memorable shows as Police File, Prime Time, No Jacket required and Pop Shop. In 1997 Shan Moodley was appointed the first chairperson of the National Film and Video Foundation. In recent years he has consulted to the cultural and communications industries, developing policies and strategic documents.

The CFAD three-year integrated diploma in multimedia incorporates animation and TV commercial production. It is the only graphic design diploma that has an integrated approach giving graduates flexibility to work in a variety of areas within the design industry. Arts commentator, Peter Machen recently wrote that CFAD is an extremely well resourced education centre that puts most other design schools to shame. He also remarked that there is a constant buzz of activity and the work experience at firms is an important element of Soobben's approach to training young minds. CFAD CEO and founder, Nanda Soobben and Academic Director Krish Moodley will be working closely with Shan Moodley and his team at the Jo’burg Campus to ensure that the campus maintains the tradition of producing high quality, competent and employable graduates.
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