In March this year, Disney launched a Backstage Pass iPhone and iPad app for the Oscars, which were televised by ABC in the US and its partners around the world. The app drew on more than 30 cameras placed around the event. “Viewers using the app could switch between the cameras at will, to get the story they wanted to see,” said Sweeney. “A story unique to them, because it was created by them.”by
The app won an Emmy award for Outstanding Creative Achievement in Interactive Media. Meanwhile, Disney has also been trying to innovate in the social media world too, building Facebook and Twitter sharing into all its digital content sites. Disney is also launching a new section on called ‘Discuss’ which pulls in conversations about its shows from these services.
“Our goal is to give fans one easy-to-use location to connect with others around the world and join the discussion anywhere it’s happening,” she said. “We’re focusing on social networks because that’s where our viewers are.” Sweeney cited stats including the fact that 52% of EMEA and Asia Pacific social network users say they have watched a video shared by a friends, while 68% on social networks in Latin America say the same thing.
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