One of the leading animation studios in South Africa is Triggerfish Animation, which has produced award-winning animated films such as "Zambezia" and "Adventures in Zambezia". The studio has also collaborated with international studios such as Disney and Netflix, and has a strong focus on training and developing new talent in the industry. Another top studio is Sunrise Productions, which is known for producing the popular children's series "Jungle Beat".
In addition to these established studios, South Africa also has a growing number of independent animators and smaller studios. The country's animation industry is supported by organizations such as the Animation SA, which aims to promote and develop the animation industry in South Africa through training, advocacy, and networking.
As for training opportunities, there are several institutions offering animation courses in South Africa. The Animation School in Cape Town is one of the top animation schools in the country, offering a three-year diploma course in animation. Other institutions include the Wits School of Arts, the University of Johannesburg, and the Cape Peninsula University of Technology.
Overall, the animation industry in South Africa is thriving, with a growing number of talented animators and studios gaining recognition both locally and internationally. With continued support from the government and private sector, the industry has the potential to become a major contributor to the country's economy and cultural identity.
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