The Centre for Fine Art, Animation & Design (CFAD) was established in 1994. CFAD situated in Durban has been in the business of training students to produce traditional or “Disney-style” animation for the past 11 years. However, in the absence of a long form animation culture or industry graduates seek employment in the advertising and design industry or with post production facility companies. Many talented “would be animators” are forced to earn a living as DTP operators as there are no work opportunities in animation available in Durban. CFAD’s empowerment approach has produced positive results in terms of training Black, Coloured and Indian artists and designers and placing them successfully in the media and design industry.
By taking the lead in establishing Durban as an animation hub for South Africa, we intend to attract students from all over the country and abroad. CFAD can provide a cost effective training option for overseas students. Durban can train and retain much need human resources in this field.
Empowerment Plan
The Centre for Fine Art Animation and Design (CFAD) was established in 1994 to provide PDI’s access to the latest computer design technology. The focus at CFAD is design education. However, through its Business Unit CFAD has undertaken several commercial projects allowing trainee designers to interact with experienced artists and designers. Enock Zungu and Pieter Ackerman, both members of CFAD staff, are very experienced in their respective fields.
This approach has produced positive results in terms of training Black, Coloured and Indian artists and designers and placing them successfully in the media and design industry.
Senior students and staff at CFAD have time and again demonstrated their capability and capacity to deliver work of a commercial nature, on time, to specification and on budget. They are always supported at the highest level of management, and have worked closely with the project manager and head of the institution, Krish Moodley. This process and the various projects undertaken has developed competencies and capacity for individuals to operate in the real world, and be better equipped to either set up their own commercial ventures, or prove to be valuable members of any business environment within the advertising, media and design fields.
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